Candy Cane Lane Movie Review (NO SPOILERS)

Candy Cane Lane Movie Review (NO SPOILERS)

            Candy Cane Lane was Eddie Murphy’s 2023 Christmas movie that landed on Amazon Prime Video on December 1st, 2023. Candy Cane Lane reminded me of different Christmas movies like the Christmas movie Deck The Halls since Eddie Murphy’s character is attempting to win a holiday house decorating contest. But Candy Cane Lane didn’t just remind me of family friendly Christmas movies because the story has a suspenseful and what could be considered a very mild horror element to it. I say that it has a horror element to it because it is almost like SAW without the blood and gore of course when I think of the rules Eddie Murphy’s character eventually must abide by concerning the villainous inside this 2023 Christmas movie that I really did overall enjoy.

            I saw bad reviews on the internet about this Holiday movie Eddie Murphy put out and even though I never feel it will turn into a Holiday movie classic I feel if you enjoy Christmas movies the viewer should enjoy this Christmas movie just like any other! I say it is worth the view if you enjoy Christmas movies because I don’t think it disappoints.

            I honestly believe releasing Candy Cane Lane to Amazon Prime Video was the movies only hope though because I do feel like it would fail in theaters especially with the amount of quality movies from the second Aquaman and others hitting movies this holiday season. So, I feel Candy Cane Lane was best to be released for at home viewing than it would have been in movie theaters like I believe releasing Beverely Hills Cop 4 to NetFlix is the best option for releasing that movie because as much of a Beverely Hills Cop fan I am I believed it too would be a failure in theaters like other sequels to well-known franchises has been as of late!

            I know it is after Christmas 2023 now but I suggest if you are subscribed to Amazon Prime Video for anyone who hasn’t seen it or those who have seen it to watch Candy Cane Lane again before Amazon Prime Video pulls it from their library. I have watched it more than once and I notice something new to laugh at every time I watch it! So, I feel like it is well worth at least an initial watch!


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