Monster Brawl Review-Halloween 2022 Special Blogger

This Halloween 2022 I suggest to all wrestling fans watch Monster’s Brawl on Tubi. Monster’s Brawl is the ultimate wrestling death match to the death cinematic wrestling Mortal Kombat, horror wrestling pay per view type event. In this 2011 Feature monsters and the undead battle one another in a very unique series of fights to the death. The show kicks off announcing that The Mouth for the South Jimmy Heart has a special role in this horrific event. The first match of the night is Cyclopes vs Witch Bitch. Witch Bitch is attractive underneath her horror style look. Cyclopes is a giant and the ultimate favorite for this opening contest. The match is showcased at the beginning of this opening gruesome contest. This takes place after there is a layout how the Monster’s Brawl took place. This layout was complete with The Mouth from the South interviewing the Monster’s Brawl promoter. ...