Monster Brawl Review-Halloween 2022 Special Blogger

This Halloween 2022 I suggest to all wrestling fans watch Monster’s Brawl on Tubi. Monster’s Brawl is the ultimate wrestling death match to the death cinematic wrestling Mortal Kombat, horror wrestling pay per view type event. In this 2011 Feature monsters and the undead battle one another in a very unique series of fights to the death. The show kicks off announcing that The Mouth for the South Jimmy Heart has a special role in this horrific event.

            The first match of the night is Cyclopes vs Witch Bitch. Witch Bitch is attractive underneath her horror style look. Cyclopes is a giant and the ultimate favorite for this opening contest. The match is showcased at the beginning of this opening gruesome contest. This takes place after there is a layout how the Monster’s Brawl took place. This layout was complete with The Mouth from the South interviewing the Monster’s Brawl promoter.

            The opening contest begins with a referee in to call balls and strikes inside the contestants fighting style before one of the competitors ultimately die. Only to no surprise the referee gets killed inside the first Death Match between Cyclopes and Witch Bitch. The first Death Match did not disappoint as the fight went back and forth with plenty of bloodshed. The winner of the opening match was of course the favorite to win by the tale of the tape Cyclopes.

            The unique wrestling type horror event continues with Lady Vampire vs The Mummy. Once again it is displayed in this cinematic wrestling event how these competitors got to this swamp event venue before Lady Vampire takes on the Mummy in more of a wrestling match than Cyclopes and Witch Bitch displayed. Lady Vampire and the Mummy were all over the swamp mixed with graveyard venue. Lady Vampire even struck the Mummy with a gravestone. This fight through the graveyard was a more hardcore graveyard match than AJ Styles vs The Undertaker in WWE at Wrestlemania. This match was very Mortal Kombat complete with Mortal Kombat type voice overs. It was awesome to say the least! The match ended when Lady Vampire reached in and ripped out the Mummy’s black heart.

            Monster’s Brawl was a wild night so far but after the Mummy and Lady Vampire the horror cinematic to the death event moved on to the heavyweight contenders. The next cut scene consisted of a man’s girlfriend dying, and then the man fighting a werewolf and he killed the werewolf but got bit in the process. So, in turn the man turned into a werewolf himself. The werewolf’s opponent would be the Louisiana Swamp Gut. Which Swamp Gut would remind you of the Louisiana Bog Monster from the Impractical Jokers comedy show on Tru TV. The Swamp Gut even resembles the Louisiana Bog Monster from Sal’s punishment on that episode of Impractical Jokers.

            Werewolf cuts a simple promo for a simple man before his Death Match begins. Swamp Gut then cuts his promo as subtitles spell out what Swamp Gut was saying as the tale of the tape is being spelled for this heavyweight bout. Jimmy Heart announces the two competitors, and they enter the ring for the heavyweight bout.

            Commentary for this event wasn’t too bad. It was pretty basic but it wasn’t so bad a viewer would want to mute their television. Werewolf and Swamp Gut are hitting each other with major heat. This bout had the most fist thrown back and forth and once again the Mortal Kombat voice over spells out what is going on like a third member of the commentary team.

            This match it was suspected that Swamp Gut would be the victor because Swamp Gut was older than Werewolf and Swamp Gut’s win loss record was better recorded but Werewolf showed Swamp Gut he could exchange blows with Swamp Gut and hit Swamp Gut so hard that he deflatied Swamp Gut’s gut before Werewolf went up to the top rope and hit with a frog splash which burst Swamp Gut’s gut open.

            The next cinematic cut scene featured NOW OG Kevin Nash as a military man. Kevin Nash’s character was training a monster to enter the Monster’s Brawl event. Kevin Nash’s character in this horror movie and his partner in this movie (another soldier) created Zombie Man. Zombie Man kills the other soldier that was helping Kevin Nash’s character then Zombie Man’s opponent is revealed to be Frankenstne. The winner of this bout is set to move on to the Main Event to fight Werewolf for the Monster’s Brawl Championship.

            Frankenstine dominated the match with Zombie Man. Zombie Man went the majority of the match getting beat down before he turned the match around with a ear slap. Then Zombie Man made a combat and was doing a good job until the evil doctor got involved, which caused Kevin Nash’s character to get involved and take out the evil doctor. All Kevin Nash’s actions did was activate Frankenstine and cause Frankenstine to totally destroy and kill Zombie Man but Frankenstine was surprised because when he killed Zombie Man, Zombie Man’s death activated an army of zombies that took over the Monster’s Brawl Arena and those zombies killed Kevin Nash’s military character.

            Frankensine escapes the Monster’s Brawl Arena as the army of zombie run wild inside the Monster’s Brawl Arena killing anybody they can before the Monster’s Brawl Championship Match between Frankenstine and Werewolf.

            The match begins and Werewolf tries desperately to get Frankenstine off his feet but Frankenstine is just too powerful because Frankenstine begins to lay Werewolf out with heavy blows but Werewolf tries to keep the Death Match at a fast rate of speed. Werewolf is successful at keeping his movements fast and eventually gets Frankentstine down on the ground, and gets Frankenstine in a figure four leg lock. Frankenstine gets out of the figure four and the two competitors find themselves back on their feet and begin to exchange heavy blows again as the competitor who got bit by a zombie during the zombie army attack turns into a zombie. Frankensine continues with the heavy strikes until Frankenstine defeats Werewolf and becomes the Monster’s Brawl champion at the same time the commentator completely turns into a zombie and tries to eat the other commentator but the other commentator kills his commentary partner.

            Then a storm breaks out in the Monster’s Brawl Arena and Jimmy Heart evacuates at the same time Werewolf returns to his feet and attacks Frankenstine as Frankenstine was leaving with the Monster’s Brawl Championship Belt. Werewolf and Frankenstine begin to put the Monster’s Brawl in Monster’s Brawl as an all out Monster’s Brawl breaks out which ends with Frankenstine ripping Werewolf’s head off, and finally after being put to the test Frankenstine is announced the Monster’s Brawl Champion.

            Frankenstine was making his exit when Kevin Nash’s character returns as a zombie to face off against Frankenstine only for….

            This horror fight to the death event with monsters is worth a watch if you enjoy the cinematic wrestling style inside professional wrestling today. I give it four shuttle kicks for the wrestling style pay per view event cinematic horror entertainment way of filming alone. It was very entertaining for a one time watch and if you are a wrestling fan and want to see something different then I suggest you watch Monster’s Brawl at least once on Tubi! I really feel it is worth a one time viewing by any wrestling fan, by any monster fan, by any fighting fan in general and I am glad I chose to feature this horrific event for my special Halloween 2022 UNKNOWN Asylum Post.



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