Farley Con X vs Superstars Fan Fest 2022


Farley Con X vs Superstars Fan Fest 2022

            I was looing forward for several months to debut my UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin character at Farley Con for several months. Practically a year I guess, but the UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin character changed rom just being part of the Simply Priceless Universe to actually being part of a wrestling organization inside February 2022. With that changed inside my life in February 2022 it made my entire UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin sales switch its stance inside my lit4.

            Farley Con X was the biggest year for professional wrestling that I ever experienced at Farley Con as the announcements for Farley Con 2022 invent guest began with Ron Simmons and Lex Luger, and then as Farley Con neared Buff The Stuff Bagwell was announced followed by the final guest announcement literally the day before Farley Con it seemed liked Big Papa Pump Scott Stiner was announced to be part of the biggest wrestling themed Farley Con ever since I began attending Farley Con at the second Farley Con event.

            I went to set up for Farley Con the day before Farley Con X and I realized my booth space was literally right across th4 aisleway from all of the professional wrestlers and the other Farley Con X guest. I set up and noticed I would have a lot of foot traffic around me especially with the wrestlers being right across the aisle from me. I was excited to have the spot I did on Friday the 12th after I set  up and began taking pictures for this event of my set up for Facebook and Instagram before I went to the main event to take many more pictures the following day! I went to sleep that night feel confident and secure with how Farley Con but in the business sense boy was I wrong with how Farley Con would treat UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin!

            Farley Con X was on August 13th 2022 and Super Stars Fan Fest 2022 took place on October 22nd 2022! Farley Con is a big place for collectors to buy toys, comic books, other collectibles, and meet various celebrities. That last sentence is what a true comic con is all about. A wrestle con like Superstars Fan Fest 2022 is a place meant to buy overall strictly wrestling merchandise, meet professional wrestlers, along with buy the variety of other stuff that may be sold.

            Mostly wrestling merchandise or wrestling relate merch is the only thing sold at a vendor table at a wrestling convention. Wrestling merchandise can consist of various autographed items, old school magazines, old school VHS tapes, different DVD full of wrestling matches, wrestling themed books, and the other merchandise that is not wrestling related sold at a wrestling convention is such a low percentage of items that it is hard to even measure it on the rector scale!

While Farley Con is dominated with toys, comic books, other collectible, and other items from an event goers childhood than a wrestle con.

            A wresting convention mostly focuses on the wrestling guest and getting their autograph. Where the guest at a comic con like Farley Con are each into their own subject matter. People bring each individual guest at Farley Con their own subject matter related item to sign for them. Like he comic book guest get their comic books brought to them, wrestlers get their own wrestling figures or championship belts brought to them, and the anime or voice actors get their own items brought to them! There is a lot more subject matter at a comic con event than a wrestling convention, and that goes on as truth even with the major professional wrestling takeover that took place at Farley Con X!

            Saturday August 13th 2022 came quick and before I knew it UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin was at his table invading Farley Con! I talked to the different people who wanted to know who UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin was. I sold my mystery bag which held random comic book related items I got from Covid Crates that I bought from Batttlegrounds in 2020 and I did not want. The guy opened up the mystery bag right in front of me, and I couldn’t tell if he really liked what all he got inside the mystery bag yay or nah it didn’t matter because I got the money I sold that Mystery Bag for, and he left with a bunch of junk that was cluttering a drawer.

            I was right across from all the wrestlers who invaded Farley Con X so very few people paid attention to me and he vendor my life was a complete jerky female who had absolutely no personality and wouldn’t even take a picture for me with some cosplayers even though she wasn’t doing a darn thing! She was just a jerk and acted like she didn’t even want to be there as I was having fun because I certainly wasn’t overloaded with business. I can’t even remember one person who wanted their picture with me at Farley Con X so I just spent the day getting as many cosplayers to take pictures with me as possible, and looking at stuff.  

            My mom eventually came to Farley Con X to hang out with me  so that boosted my enjoyment of being at Farley Con X because it was boring as all get out to be by myself, and have  nothing to do but sit and watch people hang out with the real wrestlers and not even peak their interest into me, myself, and I, UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin. I was literally UNNOWN with the crowd at Farley Con X inside Camp Jordan Arena.

            I got a second sale at Camp Jordan Arena which was me selling a 8x10 of myself along with a Scotty Too Hottie autographed Pro Wrestling Tees 8x10. This sale and the mystery bag sale were my only sales Farley Con X.

            I had fun at Farley Con X though but the reaction to UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin from UNKNOWN at Farley X made me scared to set up my UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin table Superstars Fan Fest 2022. I did set my UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin table at Superstars Fan Fest 2022 on October 21st, 2022, and then I was the first vendor there  I scored some pictures with a variety of people before Superstars Fan Fest and then I made the wrestling community that follow me on Facebook upset with an attempted joke that many of them pulled out of proportion.

            I was in the back right corner of the Thornton Center a couple of tables down from Jake The Snake Roberts. Jake The Snake Roberts was the headliner of Superstars Fan Fest 2022. I figured my spot sucked and with all those big name wrestlers there that it would be Farley Con X all over again. Especially when I was blocked in by Jake The Snake Roberts line. But many more people began to come over to talk to me about my merchandise and see who UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin was. It was amazing how many people from the lobby when I was waiting to enter the gym area to go to my table and then inside the gym area came up to me and wanted a picture with me. If I charged a dollar a picture I know I would have made more than fifty dollars on pictures alone. It was amazing the amount of people who showed up to my table just to talk including Scott Hudson interviewing me at the start of Superstars Fan Fest 2022!

            Then people came up to mean started buying stuff. People bought stuff like my new UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin hat, all my left-over Pro Wrestling Tees autographed pictures, a set of Wrestling Romance Trilogy copies, autographed UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin 8x10s, and I feel like I am leaving other sales out that happened at Superstars Fan Fest 2022. In the end I came very close to making back the money I spent to pay my vendor fee, and also in the end it was not only the most money I made at an event, but it was enough money for me to get all of the autographs and pictures I wanted with different wrestlers that were at Superstars Fan Fest 2022 and still have money left over!

            Superstars Fan Fest 2022 treated me much better than Farley Con X financially and that isn’t a complaint because I had fun at Farley Con X, and I am giving the 2023 two-day Farley Con event a chance. Even if it is two days of just paying to have fun taking pictures with cosplayers.

            Superstars Fan Fest 2022 really accepted UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin realizing I am part of the wrestling world compared to Farley Con who didn’t know who I was. I don’t know if the people at Farley Con showed 0 interest because or all of the people’s other interests being right there under one roof. Those interests being collectibles, toys, comic books, and other stuff. Maybe there was just too much of the people’s there other interests at Farley Con X for them to pay attention to a random wrestling broadcast journalist.

            While at Superstars Fan Fest 2022 I as a wrestling broadcast journalist was part of the people who were walking around Superstars Fan Fest 2022’s interests and considering the limited number of extra items under roof to purchase in regard to these people’s interests I had a better shot at making good money at this wrestling convention that at the comic convention known as Farley Con X.

            This is just a guess, but this hypothesis is solid. Especially about both the Farley Con X and the Superstars Fan Fest 2022 events and the action and activities that took place at both events. I had a great time at both events which includes the activities I did at Farley Con X making a little bit of money compared to the amount of money I  pulled off making at Superstars Fan Fest 2022.

            I am currently trying to fill my 2023 event calendar with various vendor events because I picked up an extra 2022 Vendor Event on November 5th 2022 at the Dalton Championship Wrestling event that wasn’t planned and this DCW event should honestly be the last vendor event for UNKNOWN The Alien Assassin in 2022, and I need to start booking my 2023 event calendar so I can keep the movement going. I am interested in seeing in 2023 which events payout more and why I believe those events paid out more than the other because this is the reason I feel Superstars Fan Fest 2022 paid out over Farley Con X and in the words of Shawn Ambrose “I have spoken!”


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