Fools Gold (Leprechaun Horror Excerpt)

Fools Gold

            “What do you want me to do with this wallet?”

            “Ditch it.” Warrwick replied.

            Farragon threw the wallet in the trash can and all three took their place in line to pass through security.

            Leprechaun (Irish: leprechaun) is a type of male faerie said to inhabit the island of Ireland.

            Clurichaun (klurakan) or clobhair-ceann in O’Kearney is an Irish fairy which resembles the leprechaun. A Clurichaun is a cousin to the Leprechaun species.

             Far Daring or Fear Dearg is a faerie of Irish mythology. A Far Daring is another cousin to the Leprechaun species.

Ireland 1957

            It was a mid-summers day in Ireland. I was walking through the woods with my grandfather. I was a young Irish lad; probably around ten then. A ten-year-old boy I was. Well, my granddad and I were walking through the woods, and we came across a cave.

            “I want to see what’s inside the cave!” the young boy screamed.

            “No wee lad better not enter that cave because legend has it a gruesome, evil, sinister wee Leprechaun and his two evil even more sinister and even uglier cousins live in there and they don’t like fools like us to trespass on their land. So, we better just be heading home.”  The boy’s grandfather replied.

            Maybe I should of heard and obeyed my grandfather’s warning. The boy’s grandfather began to walk past the cave. The boy followed but then at the last minute he took off running into the dark creepy wet cave.

            “Vince!” Was all the boy heard as he entered deeper into the cave.

            My grandfather who was in his sixties at the time he ran into the cave after me.

            “Vince, Vince, Vince!” Echoed off the cave walls.

            Finally, the boy found himself in a giant room. The floor of the cave was very wet. The boy could hear scampering around. An orange glow filled a small room a few feet ahead. The boy was in a trance. Like a zombie he followed toward the giant glowing light. He rushed with his little legs into full motion and entered the room.

            There in front of the boy was a giant small pot overflowing with round gold schillings.

I have never seen so much gold in my life. Then I sensed someone behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up. I heard breathing. I felt warm air on the back of my neck. I froze in fear and shut my eyes as tight as they would go. Then it grabbed me.

            “Ahh!” The boy’s scream echoed the walls. The scream was so loud you could hear it outside the cave.

            “Quiet Vince.” A stern whisper from a familiar voice filled the boy’s ears.

            “Grandpa?” The boy whispered slowly opening my eyes.

            “Yes. Now let’s get out of here.” The grandfather said.

            “Wait look!” The child excitedly spoke pointing at the gold.

            “I see, now let’s go!” The child’s grandfather said pulling him out of the cave!

            “Wait grandpa. Think of what this gold could do for you and Grandma Ruby? The grandchild explained.

            “This gold belongs to the Leprechaun! Now let’s go!” The boy’s grandpa yelled!

            “Nobody is here Grandpa Eric.” Vince explained.

            “How do you know?” Eric asked.

            “Leprechaun. O’ Leprechaun. Any other mischievous creatures show yourself.” Vince yelled.

            “Shh!” Grandpa Eric said waving his arms around.

            “We would have never got this close to the gold if anybody was here.” Vince explained.

            “Maybe you’re right? Maybe?” An uncertain old man said.

            “I’m right. Trust me. You can use the gold for good. After all finders’ keepers.” Vince explained.

            “You’re right. Let’s take it and get out of here like yesterday.” Vince’s grandpa said picking up the pot of gold.

            Some small shillings fell out and the grandchild scooped them up on the way out of the cave and back to their small house in a matter of minutes. Grandpa Eric hid the gold in the closet of the vacant room that nobody ever uses without Grandma Ruby knowing. He was going to tell her later. When the time was right you know. All seemed fine until it was time for bed.

            Everybody was sleeping in the living room. It was early in the am when a knock came simultaneously on the front and back doors.

            “What was that!” Grandma Ruby rose.

            “I don’t know!” Grandpa Eric rose.

            He ran over to the closet and pulled out his shotgun fearing the worse because of the theft him and I pulled earlier. I sat up in bed in a panic.

            Shadows filled the walls of people moving outside.

            A sinister laugh was heard outside followed by “Me want me gold!”

            “What is that person talking about Eric?” Ruby asked through her tears.

            “I don’t know?” Grandpa Eric lied.

            “Grandpa don’t lie. Grandpa Eric made me go inside this cave and we found a Leprechaun’s pot of gold. Grandpa said he wanted to use it to help you out.” Vince lied.

            “Vince you little bastard! You know it wasn’t my idea to go into that cave!” Grandpa Eric yelled.

            “Don’t talk to your only grandson that way just kill whoever is out there.” Grandma Ruby came to her grandson’s defense.

            There was a dead silence for about a minute. Then a small about four-foot thing crashed through the living room window. My grandma Ruby and Grandpa Eric scattered to the corner of the room.

            The creature was dressed in a red coat that covered its body and a red top hat. It wore black shoes. Its skin was very ugly. It had snarling teeth and flowing red eyes. It was a Far Daring.

            “You stole my cousins gold now you must pay the piper.” The creature said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bag of marbles and throwing them towards Grandpa Eric.

Grandpa Eric took aim, but he took a step and stepped on the marbles sliding up and firing a round through the ceiling.

            This Far Darrig ran over to the backdoor and opened it up.; in stumbled in another gnome like creature. This one was dressed in a blue suit. He stood about as tall as the one that crashed through the window. It was a Clurichaun, and it reacked of alcohol. It was drunker than a skunk.

            “You stole me cousin’s gold. Where’s the alcohol?” The Clurichaun asked before raiding the cabinets for liquor. Finally, he found some and began to down it.

            Vince’s grandmother stood there froze in fear crying. Vince in the meantime took advantage of the situation. He ran to the back bedroom, and pulled a small sack out from under the bed and poured all the gold into it. Vince climbed out of the window and took off on his own journey. Vince was out of there before anybody knew he was gone.

            “Where’s me gold?” A Leprechaun said entering the room.

            The Leprechaun was as tall as his family except he was dressed in a green suit.

            “Fool. Fool. Fool. You steal from me and you didn’t expect me to see. You didn’t expect this exact outcome of your thievery. Now you must pay, and I will see that my way. Where is me gold? Farragan kill that toad.” The Leprechaun explained then pointed towards Ruby.

            The Far Darrig ran over to Ruby who was still frozen in fear crying. Meanwhile Eric was trying to stand up but he broke his hip in the fall.

            “You like magic?” Farragan asked Ruby.

            Ruby was speechless.

            “Come on now ma’am I am not going to hurtcha.” Farragan said taking off his hat.

            Eric took aim at the Leprechaun and then immediately turned his sight to the Clurchuan who was drinking his liquor in an opposite corner of the living room. Eric shot the bottle right out of the little man’s hand. He then shot several more shots; shooting all the alcohol in the cabinet. A river of alcohol filled the small room.

            The Leprechaun began to walk towards Eric. Eric pulled the trigger, but his shotgun was empty.

            “Come on wee ass reach into my hat.” Farragan said not even fazed by the gunfire.

            The old woman reached in the Far Darrig’s hat. Within a blink of an eye Ruby was screaming in pain. She removed her hand or lack thereof from the hat as blood poured down her arm. Her hand had been bitten off. Farragan laughed hysterically. He dumped his hat over and an oversize mutant rat fell to the ground.

            “Where’s me gold?” The Leprechaun asked Eric.

            The Leprechaun had a chillily in his hand. He hit Eric in Eric’s broken hip with the chillily. Eric screamed in pain.

            The Clurichaun stumbled over to Farragan and asked slurring his words “Where’s the kid?”

            “Chuckorus, I don’t know?” Farragan replied.

            The Leprechaun continued to beat Eric to a bloody pulp. He only stopped his violent attack when he heard his two cousins Chukourus and Farragan arguing.

            “What’s going on?” The Leprechaun yelled.

            “He lost the young lad Warrwick.” Farragan yelled.

            “Find him!” Warrwick yelled.

            Ruby by this time fell to the ground in cardiac arrest due to all the stress she was under and the massive blood loss.

            More alcohol filled the living room as the river of alcohol continued to flow out of the liquor cabinet.

            Eric lit a match and dropped it into the giant river of alcohol and the place quickly burst into flames. The Leprechaun, Clurichaun, and Farr Darrig all caught on fire since their shoes were wet from the alcohol.

            The three mystical creatures ran around the small cabin on fire catching other things on fire. The fire spread quickly. Finally, the three creatures ran out of the front door and fell to the dirt ground outside still burning. They began to roll around in the dirt just as rain began to fall from the sky and their flames were extinguished. The cabin well wasn’t as lucky because it burned to the ground burning Eric and Ruby to death!           

Las Vegas Present Day

            Vince sat in his office alone dressed in his custom-made designer suit with his feet up watching his sixty-inch flat screen high definition 1080p Samsung television. He was in the casino hotel he owned on the strip called the Gold Shilling.

            “Mr. Kennedy.” Vince’s secretary stated.

            “Yes Beverly.” Vince replied.

            “Your wife and teenage daughter are here.” Beverly said.

            “Ex wife Beverly. Ex wife!” Vince explained.

            Finally, Vince’s door opened and in walked a tall blonde middle aged woman along with a young eighteen year old hot punkish looking blonde with blue highlights.

            “Kimberly say hi to your father.” The ex-wife said.

            Kimberly stood in silence and finally after a moment took a seat in front of Vince’s desk.

            “Sharron what do you want?” Vince asked.

            “Well Vincent. Your daughter…...

            “Our daughter Sharron.” Vincent corrected.

            “Kimberly hasn’t applied for her colleges yet.” Sharron said.

            “So what? That is less money I must spend.” Vince spoke coldly.

            “We have to spend.” Sharron replied.

            “Will you two get over yourselves?” Kimberly sarcastically chimed in.

`           “Shut up!” Sharron and Vince yelled at their daughter.

            “What do you want me to do about it?” Vince turned the conversation back to his ex-wife.

            “Figure it out Vince. Summer is here and you have Kim all summer. I am back to my house in the Camions” Sharron said storming out of the office.

            There was silence for about twenty minutes.

            “Where’s your things?” Vince asked.

            “Mom had room service bring them to the Presidential Suite.” Kimberly answered with a smirk.

            “Of course, that is your room when you stay here.” Vince spoke very sarcastic.

            “So, tell me how you got to America again.” Kimberly said.

            “I told you my grandparents were killed in a home invasion when I lived in Ireland. I took off through the woods and made my way to the docks. I boarded a boat and came to America where I found my birth father your grandfather.” Vince explained a bit gruff.

            “Where is grand paw?” asked Kimberly.

            “He died a few years before you were born.” Vince answered just plain gruff.

            “So how did you get rich?” asked Kimberly.

            “I worked for it!” Vince yelled out a lie.

            “So is the Gold Shilling going to be mine one day?” Kimberly asked not fazed by her father’s bad attitude.

            “Certainly darling. Now go to your suite daddy has some work to do.” Vince ordered.

            Kimberly got up and walked out of her dad’s office and took the elevator up to her suite.

            Meanwhile three very aggravated to put it lightly little faeries were catching a plane in Ireland. They walked to the front counter. The attendant couldn’t see them since they’re shorter than the counter.

            Warrick, Farragon, and Chuckourus cleared their throats at the exact same time.

            “May I help…

The attendant paused trying to figure out what she was witnessing.

“You!” She screamed.

            Warrwick the team leader of the group replied, “Three tickets to Sin City my dear.”

            The attendant laughed then responded to Warrick’s statement “And how will you be paying for this young man?” She asked.

            “Young man! I am thousands of years old young lass.” Warrwick excitedly spoke.

            “Anyway, will this be cash or charge?” The attendant asked.

            Warrwick fumbled through his pockets.

            “Need me to take care of this?” Farragon asked.

            Warrick nodded in agreement. Farragon got out of line and walked over to a very attractive young 20 something red head that was getting ready to put some change inside a pay phone. She was dressed very seductively.

            The woman felt a tug at the bottom of her short skirt and looked down.

            “Excuse me Mrs. what do you call two blondes and a red head who are inebriated out of their mind?” Farragon asked.

            The woman shrugged her shoulders/

            “A good time.” Farragon replied laughing hysterically.

            The woman looked disgusted and replied “What can I do for you?” The woman asked.

            “Well, you see my cousins and I. Well. We had out gold stolen, and we need some money to go to Las Vegas.” Farragon politely answered.

            “Buzz off short stuff.” The lady said placing her change in the phone and beginning to dial her number.

            Farragon pinched the women’s right butt cheek.

            “Excuse you!” The woman yelled slamming the receiver down.

            “I might be short but don’t let the package fool you. I am well equipped if you know what I mean. Farragon replied moving his eyebrows up and down.

            “Just go find your mother before I get the police.” The woman replied.

            “Fine I will buzz off but just one last thing.” Farragon said.

            “And what’s that?” The woman said very sarcastically. Farragon pulled a red balloon out of his pocket and proceeded to blow it up and seconds later he formed the balloon into the shape of a dog.

            “Here I am sorry I bothered you.” Farragon replied.

            The woman took the red balloon dog in both hands and was examining it very closely and replied “This is so sweet. It’s alright. Now buzz off!”

            As soon as that statement came out of her mouth Farragon’s dog creation’s eye glowed red, and the balloon turned alive and mauled the woman’s face.

            She fell to the ground and Farragon picked the woman’s purse stealing her billfold which was full of credit cards and full of cash. The dog continued to maul the lady as Farragon ran back over to his cousins as the woman was bleeding to death. People were walking all around the dying woman that could careless that a vicious mutated balloon dog was running away from the woman’s lifeless body.

            “Come here look at these midgets.”  The attendant motioned to her coworkers.

            Within second a whole group of employees were mocking and staring at the three cousins. Warrwick was getting so pissed his eyes glowed green and the airport employees shut up. Then within a blink of an eye the above lights fell out of the ceiling on top of the airport employees knocking some of the employees out cold.

            The main lady they were dealing with was still standing “Will that be first class?” She asked.

            “I wouldn’t fly any other way.” The three cousins replied simultaneously.

            The attendant punched out the tickets and walked around the counter and handed each cousin a ticket. Then she told them “Your flight is on Green Air.” After she said that she ran back behind the counter and hid.

            Warrwick looked at his ticket and Warrwick and his cousins proceeded to make their journey to their gate.



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